Feeling stressed?

Feeling stressed?

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You are not alone!

You are not alone!

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We can help.

We can help.

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Our products can reduce stress.

Our products can reduce stress.

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Our Products

Product group


Products that Protect: These products were tested by the international Coghill Laboratory, Gwent, Wales, against the …


Spirals The SPIRAL is a highly effective device developed over 25 years by Clive Beadon and Dr. Michael Poynder …


The PENDANT contains the same eight gemstones and is specifically produced to counteract COMPUTER STRAIN, JET LAG an…


MPC (Mobile Protection Chip™) protects you from the harmful effects of magnetic fields created by mobile phones, com…

Do you suffer from stress?

Geopathic Stress – Geopathic means disease of the earth/environment. Geopathic stress is imposed on the body by exposure to radiation from either manmade or natural sources. Man-made sources include emissions from power lines, transmission masts, microwave ovens

What Our Clients Say

Here is a small selection of testimonials from many letters praising the benefits of the Spiral, Pendant and MPC.

Leslie Kenton was editor of Harpers and Queen Magazine for 14 years and is an internationally famous health Guru, Author and Broadcaster on Women’s subjects. Author of “Passage To Power” and “Journey To Freedom” and many books on diet and health Leslie Kenton was editor of Harpers and Queen Magazine for 14 years and is an internationally famous health Guru, Author and Broadcaster on Women’s subjects. Author of “Passage To Power” and “Journey To Freedom” and many books on diet and health.

“I have followed Clive Beadon’s work for many, many years, watching the Spiral of Tranquility™go through many changes, each time I believe, becoming more effective. I am delighted you have continued with Clive’s work. Being someone who travels a quarter of a million miles on jet planes a year, I must say that I delight in the help that the Spiral of Tranquility™Pendant gives me while I am travelling.

I certainly recommend it to others in avoiding jet lag and maintaining mental and physical balance. I highly recommend it to anyone”

- Leslie Kenton

I’m thrilled with the benefits of your products. On a recent 13 hour flight to Vietnam, and return, I found my Pendant really helped to reduce Jetlag significantly.

- K. E., UK

My name is Jenny McGann and I am an Amatsu Therapist which is, to the uninitiated a Body Work Therapy that has its origins in the Japanese Martial Arts. I work with Spatial relationships and Linear and Non-Linear patterns within the connective tissue, neural pathways, muscles, ligaments, and generally with the soft tissues of the body.

10 months ago Mary (not her real name) came to me with very weak muscles and severe pain. Nothing I did seemed to make enough of a difference to her, so she was continually returning. 4 months ago I felt I had to change my work practice with her, I performed a few tests and found that it was her Electrical System that was the problem and I just happened to ask her whether she lived underneath an electricity pylon. She said she did, she was aware it wasn’t optimal, but she had little choice. I said she needed something to counteract the magnetic Electrical bombardment. An acquaintance of Mary’s happened to have a spiral and said she would loan it to Mary to see if it made a difference. The next time Mary came back to me there was a remarkable change in her physical body. All her muscles were energized, she was a lot calmer and was coping with the stress in her life much better. The change in her was so great I insisted we research where we could find this spiral and get them for ourselves. We found Kieran O’Kelly in Galway on the internet and ordered both a Spiral for her house and a personal pendant as well. I ordered the same for myself...

I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone with low energy to wear a pendant and have the spiral in their home or workplace.

- Jenny McG, Lucan, Co. Dublin

Dear Micheal,
I have recently returned from a trip to Australia to visit my daughter and family. I felt that I must write to say how effective I found the “Spiral of Tranquility™Pendant” during and after all the travelling. I wore the Pendant on a chain round my neck for the whole journey and found myself much more relaxed during the long flight (22 hours!) and I did not suffer from the dreaded jet-lag at all neither upon my arrival nor nor my return home.

Whilst in Australia, my daughter and I took part in a horse event and, to get there, had to drive, towing the horse trailer, for several hours on dirt roads in a terrific thunderstorm. I remained pretty unflappable throughout, causing my daughter to remark “can’t think why your so calm, Mum”. I honestly think that it may have been due to the fact that I was again wearing the Pendant round my neck.

This is actually the second time that I have worn the Pendant on a flight to Australia. The first was 6 years ago. That time, I wore it only for the actual flights and again did not suffer from jet-lag. This later trip does, I think, prove that the effect is genuine.

- TC Okehampton, U.K.

“I am amazed at the benefit the Spiral of Tranquility™ Pendant has brought me. I suffered from a constant eyelid twitch whenever I was in the vicinity of a Mobile Phone Transmission Mast and since I started to wear the Pendant I no longer have that twitch. This has brought a fantastic change to my life.

Many thanks for your help“.

- S. O’S., Waterford, Ireland.